Colorado Lottery's

6th Annual Runyon to the Res

Arkansas River Trail Cleanup 

Pueblo, CO

 Saturday, October 5, 2024

Coloradans love to play in places the Colorado Lottery funds, like parks, trails, and open spaces. All that love can damage these beloved areas, and stewardship is an important part of the Lottery's commitment to conservation. We invite you to join us on October 5th as we roll up our sleeves at the 6th Annual Runyon to the Res Arkansas River Trail Cleanup event to clean up our backyard.

Where the cleanup takes place: The Arkansas River Trail begins in the heart of Pueblo and heads westward along the river to Lake Pueblo State Park. It is part of the Pueblo River Trails System, which spans more than two dozen miles throughout the city. To one side, the paved pathway offers up-close views of the river, while on the other, it offers scenic tree-filled hillsides.

The approximate 8-mile cleanup will occur between Runyon Lake and Lake Pueblo State Park. 

What you'll be doing:  The cleanup will consist of picking up trash, junk, and litter along the trail, removing garbage trapped under rocks, in trees and bushes, from the water's edge, and more. 

Who can participate: We encourage volunteers to bring friends and family. If you are volunteering with a group or other individual, please include their full name in the appropriate area within the registration form. This information helps us assign your group to work together as best we can. 

Each zone will have a maximum of allowed volunteers. Groups exceeding the maximum may be assigned to different work zones. Work zone assignments will be made before the event. 

We are unable to accommodate walk-up registrations.

As there may be potentially hazardous work involved with cleanup events, we ask that all volunteers under 16 years old be accompanied by an adult 21 years or older. This event is not suitable for participants under the age of 6 years old or pets.

Registration Deadline: Registration will close on Friday, September 27, 2024, or when the maximum number of volunteers has been reached, whichever occurs first.

All participants must complete a registration form by the deadline.

Additional Details: Zone assignments, instruction, and supplies will be distributed at check-in. Appropriate clothing, including pants, closed-toed shoes, and work gloves is recommended.  Volunteers will be treated to a light pre-event breakfast and a post-event lunch and will receive a t-shirt.  Water will be available, please bring your water bottle. 


9:00 AM: Volunteer check-in at Pueblo City Park Outdoor Pavilion at 800 Goodnight Ave (Goodnight Ave & City Park Ave). Light breakfast and kick-off.

9:45 AM: Volunteers report to their assigned cleanup zone.

10:00 AM-Noon: Cleanup

Noon - 12:15: Return to Pueblo City Park Outdoor Pavilion. Turn in all tools and unused supplies. 

12:15 PM-1:00 PM: Lunch

1:00 PM: Depart

Volunteer email address (We will communciate information and updates to you here)

Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile Phone (We will only contact you via phone if there is an issue with your registration) *

For example, 123-456-7890
Zip Code *
Date of Birth *
Preferred t-shirt size (adult sizes) *
Are you volunteering with a group or other individual? *
If volunteering with a group or other individual, please enter their name/organization below so that we can group you together.
Emergency Contact *
Emergency Contact Phone Number *
Have you volunteered at the Runyon to the Res event before? *


Risks of Colorado Lottery’s Runyon to the Res River Clean Up and Waiver of Liability:
I understand that there are risks of injury that come with a river cleanup, such as using tools or construction-related equipment; working around other volunteers and third parties who are not familiar with river cleanup; picking up litter; working in natural terrain that may be uneven, rocky, slippery, habitat for dangerous wildlife and insects, and may present other dangerous conditions that may cause bodily injury; and working in or near bodies of water where drowning and injuries may occur.
Even knowing these risks, I wish to participate and volunteer in the Colorado Lottery’s Runyon to the Res River Clean Up. In exchange for this opportunity, I accept the risks of participating and agree to release the Colorado Lottery and its employees, agents, Eclectic Activations, and other authorized volunteers, from liability for any injury, death, or any other damages which may result from my participation in the Colorado Lottery’s Runyon to the Res River Clean Up, including any negligence claims allowed by Colorado law. I acknowledge that this agreement is binding upon me, my heirs, and assigns.

This agreement does not waive the provisions of the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, § 24-10-101, et seq., C.R.S., or any other rights or defenses of the Colorado Lottery, which remain in effect.

COVID-19 Safety Acknowledgement and Waiver of Liability:
The Colorado Lottery has put in place preventative measures recommended by the State of Colorado to reduce the spread of COVID-19, however, the Colorado Lottery and its affiliated sponsors and partners cannot guarantee that you, your child, your spouse, or anyone else will not become exposed to or infected with COVID-19 as a result of participating in this event. Participation in this event could increase the risk of contracting COVID-19.
In consideration of being permitted to participate in this event offered by the Colorado Lottery, I understand, acknowledge, and agree to the following: I have independently evaluated and reviewed the risks of being exposed to or infected with COVID-19 and have determined to participate in this event with full knowledge and acceptance of the risk. Fully understanding these risks, I, for myself, my child, my spouse, my legal representatives, heirs, and assigns, hereby agree to assume full responsibility and liability for the risk of bodily injury, illness, permanent disability, and/or death which may result from exposure to or infection with COVID-19 before, during, or after participating in the event.
I, for myself, my child, my spouse, my legal representatives, heirs and assigns, hereby waive and agree to release the Colorado Lottery and its employees, agents, Eclectic Activations, and other authorized volunteers from any and all liability to me, my child, my spouse, my legal representatives, heirs, and assigns, for any and all losses or damages resulting from bodily injury, illness, permanent disability, and/or death, whether caused by the negligence of the Colorado Lottery or its officials, employees, volunteers, attorneys, and agents or otherwise, which claims, losses and demands arise during or result directly or indirectly from exposure to or infection with COVID-19 before, during, or after participating in this event.

Volunteer Status:
I am acting as an authorized volunteer and not a compensated employee, agent, or contractor of the Colorado Lottery. As an authorized volunteer, I am not allowed to bind the Colorado Lottery to any agreement or liability and shall not attempt to do so. I also recognize that volunteering is not considered employment for Colorado Workers’ Compensation Act purposes, and I am not entitled to benefits under that Act.

Media Release:
I understand that photographs or videos may be taken during the Colorado Lottery’s Runyon to the Res River Cleanup. I give the Colorado Lottery permission to use my likeness in any of its publications and promotions without payment or other consideration. I understand these materials are the property of the Colorado Lottery and may be used without my inspection or approval.